免費瑜伽靜坐班 FREE Yoga Meditation Class

2008年6月8日 星期日

Amazing Sunset at Music Academy 令人讚嘆的奇景

Last year I was learning indian classical music at Shri P.K.Salve Kala Pratishthan,that is Music Academy of Sahaja Yoga in Vaitarna India. There was a 4 days music workshop, after two Great gurus performed Sitar and Tabla, we've found something amazing in the sky. It feels like Sahasrara open totally, a lot of light in the sky, very long, full of the entire sky, this is only some part in the video, if u were there, u can feel how amazing it is. Hope u also enjoy it !

去年我去了印度霎哈嘉瑜伽創辦的音樂學院學印度音樂, 那裡有個四天的音樂工作坊, 當Sitar 及 Tabla 老師表演後, 我們發現天空有令人讚嘆的日落奇景, 感覺渾然忘我, 像頂輪都完全打開一樣, 那光線劃破長空, 填滿整個天空, 像把我們都包住了, 這短片只拍到其中一部份, 假若你身在其中, 定能感到上天浩愛的力量多麼偉大, 多麼慈悲. 感覺多麼美好!