免費瑜伽靜坐班 FREE Yoga Meditation Class

2025年2月5日 星期三

Omkara Shloka 
OM 是宇宙的第一個聲音, 在各瑜伽體系中經常會唸誦. 
以下是OM音梵唱, 一齊來感受一下OM的力量吧!

2022年2月23日 星期三

來自天上的流水聲 - Mt. Kailash


Water Sound in front of Mt. Kailash

2020年4月9日 星期四


How to enhance our Immune System? 

Suddenly there was a lot of patients in the hospital of Wuhan city, many Fears, Worries, Stress and Depression came from this unknown Virus.

Especially the doctors and nurses, facing this unknown Virus with huge number of patients, lack of material and manpower support, long working hours and over workload. It was really a torture for them physically and mentally. Many of them got sick, even some of them got the virus. They were really helpless. Then they start to do yoga meditation to relief their stress and balance their mental health. It was very clear for them, once they got this peaceful feeling, their stress and fear vanished. Just like when there is light, darkness disappear.  Then they got more energy to go back to work.

One nurse who got corona virus would like to give up and just wait to die. Another nurse asked her to try this meditation. After that she started to think positive and recovered very fast. Now she is already discarded from the hospital, still practicing  this meditation at home.

Even the patients also do this meditation. It helps them to think positive, overcome their fears, worries, feel their inner peace. Many of them are already discarded from the hospital and keep practicing this meditation at home.

What is this yoga meditation?

How does it work and how to enhance our Immune System?

Let’s learn from the Eastern wisdom of Yoga. 
Click it for bigger size

This is the subtle system of the Human body. There is a center called the Anahat and is placed behind the sternum bone in the spinal cord. This center corresponds to the cardiac plexus, which produces the antibodies till the age of twelve. These antibodies are then circulated in our system which helps us to fight any kind of attack on the body or mind. This center controls breathing by regulating the functioning of heart and the lungs. It is very important for supporting our immune system.

Fears and Worries sometimes are much worse than the sickness itself. 

Through yoga meditation, we could enhance this center, relief our stress, overcome our fears, worries, get positive thinking, mental health, and inner peace. Just like when there is light, the darkness disappear.

Simply experience this yoga meditation. There are just 3 steps, we could try now. Even children and old people could also do it.

We call this process as  “Self-Realisation”.

First, we sit comfortably, whatever on the ground or on the chair. 

1. Relax. Put your right hand on your left chest as the picture. Better close your eyes while you are saying these 3 steps. Say in your heart 3 times:

       “Mother Nature, I am a pure spirit”. 

2. Put your right hand on your forehead. Say in your heart 2 times: 

    “Mother, I forgive, I forgive”.

3. Put the center palm of your right hand on the top of your head. Say in your heart 7 times:

      “Mother, please give me Self Realisation”.

Then leave your hand above your head around 10 cm or higher, see if there is any cool wind or something hot come out from your head. Then place your both hands on your lap.

Put our attention on the top of your head, close our eyes and listen to the mediation music as the link below to relax and meditate for a while.

To enhance our immune system we need to meditate regularly , just like we exercise our body.
For further experience, please browse https://www.sahajayoga.be

Global Website (free of charge): https://www.onlinemeditation.org/

2019年8月24日 星期六

2013年7月15日 星期一

Music and Devotion

       Ravana in Ramayana was a great musician and a melodious singer. One is surprised to find music and evil combined into one character. Ravana was a great memorable character in the sense that he was the one who had completely surrendered to evil qualities like ego, arrogance, over-confidence, villainy and an ability to do any bad thing. The evil in him was limitless. How come that this devil was musician-singer?

       His absorbing singing could not reach that point in excellence which links heaven and earth. At one time, it is said that when Ravana was singing Mantra of Lord Shiva, it so happened that the strings of his Veena (Indian musicial instructment) were cut and broken, it was as if the strings of his heart were broken, and then he did nothing but cut one of his ten heads and used the nerves as strings of Veena. He did not see his oozing blood. He saw nothing. He was only singing until at last Lord Shiva became pleased, forgot his Kailash and came down to earth to meet Ravana. This shows that music in the epic period of Ramayana had a strange quality and excellence.

-- Music and Sahaja Yoga P.8

2013年1月15日 星期二

Guide to Perfection

Guide to Perfection (SY book Nirmala Vidya)

Life is a challenge, meet it!
Life is a gift, accept it!
Life is an adventure, dare it!
Life is a sorrow, overcome it!
Life is a tragedy, face it!
Life is a duty, perform it!
Life is a game, play it!
Life is a mystery, unfold it!
Life is a song, sing it!
Life is an opportunity, take it!
Life is a journey, complete it!
Life is a promise, fulfil it!
Life is love, discover it!
Life is beauty, praise it!
Life is truth, realise it!
Life is a struggle, flight it!
Life is a puzzle, solve it!
Life is a goal, achieve it!

From the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 18
來自薄伽梵歌 第十八章

2012年5月18日 星期五

Shri Mataji talks about Music (12)

It is my nature to be one with music. It's not necessary to understand all the intricacies and all that but if you are in thoughtless awareness, the joy which was created by the artists starts flowing through your being and you can really enjoy the music.

Shri Mataji, India Tour 1992