免費瑜伽靜坐班 FREE Yoga Meditation Class

2011年6月2日 星期四

學唱印度音樂基礎練習 Learn to sing Indian Music (Basic Exercices)

由 Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni, 七個印度主要音階組成的基礎練習 (Alankars) , 特別是學習印度古典音樂的必修課, 此七個主要音階跟瑜伽的七個主要輪穴相對應, 以下連結可下載 Mp3 練習, 亦可找到與瑜伽輪穴相應的印度樂器, 印度拉格 (Raga), 音階的有關資料.

Basic Exercices (Alankars) is combined with Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni , 7 indian main notes. Each notes is related to specific chakras of Yoga System. We could download Mp3 for exercices in the following link, we also could find some interesting information about which indian music instructment & Raga is related to which Chakras of Yoga System. Let's try!
