Sahaha Yoga Meditate Online - your source of scientific, easy & relaxing meditation. Free of Charge, because there's no cost for freedom!
Live! Every Saturday, at 8 am IST (Indian Standard Time), for a quick, easy and effective online session on Sahajayoga meditation. Let's enjoy together!
網上霎哈嘉瑜伽靜坐 - 你的容易,放鬆與科學的靜坐冥想來源。費用全免,因為自由是不用收費的! 網上直播! 每個星期六,上午8時(印度標準時間, 香港及中國+ 2.5小時),可提供快速,簡便和有效的在線會議 Sahajayoga 靜坐。 讓我們一起來體驗一下吧!