The event of the International Dragon Boat Race held in Shatin Sing Mun River on 31st May finished with a fine weather. We ended up having two marquees, giving us plenty of space to do the activities. There were 32 people attending this event. Every one of us experienced the power of collectivity which gave us joy that was beyond description. The co-operation, acceptance and co-ordination manifested the collective power and spirit like those dragon boat racers - all aim at one goal.
Even we through Inidian Culture and Art to spread Free Yoga Meditation Program in a very low profile this time, many people came to our booth, watching Indian dance, getting flyers, asking for Mehndi, playing games It's so amazing to see how the Divine works out everything so spontaneously. Overall, the feed-back from this event was very well. The close and interactive style of Sahaja Yoga impressed people deeply. We passed our joy and Divine pervading love to the public widely. Most of all, we really experienced the power of collectivity again and what is the power of collectivity can bring us.
我們5月31日國際龍舟邀請賽於沙田城門河的活動已完滿結束. 當天天氣很不錯, 不用淋雨, 也不是很熱. 我們最終亦有兩個攤位, 大會安排了32張免費入場券給我們, 當日我們亦剛好有32人參與, 大家都親身體驗到集體團結一致的那份力量, 那份無法用言語形容的喜悅, 大家分工合作, 互相包容和配合, 就像龍舟比賽隊伍一樣, 同心合力, 充份發揮團結的精神和力量.
雖然我們這次用很低調的方式, 通過印度文化藝術宣傳免費瑜伽靜坐班, 但發覺很多人主動索取單張, 主動發問, 亦吸引很多人圍觀及注意. 自然而然地, 上天成就一切. 總括來說, 這次活動反應很好. 這種親切互動的形式令公眾留下深刻印象, 能更生活化地表現霎哈嘉瑜伽, 將我們的喜悅及上天的浩愛通過這種令陌生人容易接受的形式傳開去, 亦能提高霎哈嘉瑜伽在社會上的知名度. 我們亦再次真正體驗到怎樣做才能團結, 團結的力量能帶給我們什麼.