Dr. (Pt.) Arun Apteji, my music guru who enlightened me so many things not only in music field.
Such great yogi passed away on 15-05-2010 in the morning due to an acute chest infection of which he was suffering from, for last few days.
He was born in a family of musicians on 25th November, 1951 at a place called Ahmadnagar, in Maharashtra. His highly evolved Music elevates the listener. It is really helps me to improve my music level and more easier to go deep meditation. His powerful music really change me a lot.
I was so sad when I heard this news on that day. I just came back HK on 13th night from Mumbai, after two days, I've got this news. I met him in Dec last year, there is a music workshop at Vaitarna Music Academy, he looked good at that time, we also spent New year with him. The photo on the left is taken during workshop, I hope he keeps this smile forever, although he really close his eyes now. I will keep singing and practising his music and remember what he taught, remember and repect him forever and ever.
我的音樂老師 Dr. Arun Apteji 於5 月15日因病辭世, 他啟發了我很多很多, 不單只是音樂方面. 當我13號從孟買回來後兩日突然收到這消息, 當時感到很驚訝, 也很傷感. 去年12月我參加了音樂學院的音樂工作坊, 那時看到他還很好的, 我們還跟他一起過新年. 左邊這相片是他主持工作坊的時候拍的, 雖然他現在真的合上了眼, 但希望他永遠保持這微笑. 我會繼續練習他的音樂, 謹記他的教誨, 不會辜負他的一片苦心. 在此永遠懷念他!
Let's experience his powerful music therapy! 讓我們一起體驗他功效卓越的音樂治療!
"Sahastrara Mantra - Rag Bhairavi & Rag Darbari"