免費瑜伽靜坐班 FREE Yoga Meditation Class

2010年6月2日 星期三

螢火蟲的真面目 True face of Firefly

去年十一月啟程到印度, 在吉隆坡一個yogini的家停留了數天, 她十分親切, 有一晚她說帶我去一個很特別的地方-- 螢火蟲公園, 當我知道的時候十分雀躍, 小時候已很想看螢火蟲, 但一直沒有機會. 我們坐車時, 沿路已經有一些迎面飛來, 到達公園後我們坐舢舨遊河, 黑暗中只看見樹上無數的閃爍光芒, 一閃一閃,飛來飛去, 有時還飛到我們身邊, 圍著我們飛, 甚至停留在我們身上, 好像身處夢幻一樣, 那一刻我們完全融入這大自然當中.

I started my journey to India in Nov last year, stayed in one yogini's home for few days in Kulua Lumpur, she is really nice lady. One night, she took me to firefly park. I was very exciting. In the dark, we have seen so many fire fly in the tree along the river, looks like Christmans tree, it seems we are in fantasyland.

有一隻很有趣, 它好像捨不得我離開, 飛到我的身上不肯走, 直至我們的舢舨泊回碼頭, 我們便趁這機會拍下它的真面目. 隨著人類不斷破壞大自然, 它們的數量日漸減少, 希望我們多些反思, 珍借身邊的一切!

One of it didn't want to go, stayed with me untill our boat reached the pier, so we have got chance to see its ture face. Along with the human being destroys the nature, their quantity reduces day after day, Let's introspect, treasure our nature!